GVSUAlert! GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Thurs, Dec. 12, 2024. Exams not able to be held remotely will be rescheduled for Saturday. See email for details.
Activation & Accountability Leadership Team
Purpose & Expectations
Advancement of work initiated by the network and broader advisory/coordination efforts for inclusion and equity strategies will now be provided by the Inclusion and Equity Activation and Accountability Team. The team includes leads from each division, other units, and shared governance representatives from across the university and will be coordinated by the Division of Inclusion and Equity. We look forward to working with colleagues across the university to advance this important next phase of our commitment to inclusion and equity, and welcome engagement and feedback from all members of the community. It will take each and every one of us to continue to create a culture of educational equity where all can thrive at GVSU. While the charge and cadence of meetings will be co-created by the members of the team, the team is expected to:
- Advise the Division of Inclusion and Equity and president on matters related to DEI-AB
- Review and consider university strategy, metrics, and planning related to DEI-AB
- Review and provide insight on division, college, and unit progress for advancing DEI-AB metrics
- Support division and college/unit committees, including providing space for shared learning or effective practices
- Advise on action steps in response to DEI-AB related reports and recommendations, including the climate survey, affirmative action planning, and others
- Support campus messaging related to DEI-AB
- Support a DEI-AB training and development for employees.
I&E Activation and Accountability Leadership Team Directory