GVSUAlert! GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Thurs, Dec. 12, 2024. Exams not able to be held remotely will be rescheduled for Saturday. See email for details.
Expense Management FAQs
Questions Regarding
General Expenses Meals Approvals
Expense Cards Guests/Students Transportation Payments Policy & Procedures
General Questions
Your travel profile needs to match the names and information on your Government issued ID’s. This will be the information used to book your travel.
Expenses must be submitted and approved by the last day of the month in which the transaction posted. If the last day of the month crosses with your travel dates, transactions must be submitted within 5 business days upon return. Expenses include the expense card, declining balance card, lodge card (used for airfare charges), and out-of-pocket expenses. Travelers may include multiple trips, business expenses, out-of-pocket expenses, and expense card expenses into one expense report. For personal vehicle mileage reimbursements, expenses can be consolidated and submitted once every 45 days.
Expense Questions
You can itemize an individual charge to break one charge to more than one FDM. You can also allocate a charge to different FDM’s by either percent or amount.
Information forthcoming.
The Business Purpose should be short and a high-level explanation of the meeting. For example - Treasury Management Conference, Baseball Recruiting, etc.
You will need to create a new expense report because you cannot claim the same expense twice. On the new report, ensure that you refer to the previous report in the comments.
Your Expense card or Declining Balance card will convert the charge automatically. We have a Currency Converter for your use if you paid cash in a foreign currency.
Meal Questions
In Workday, create an expense report and use the Expense item ‘Meals Per Diem - Daily'.
Additional help can be found in the Job Aid
In Workday, create an expense report and use the Expense item ‘Meals Per Diem - Daily'. Note, Single Day Per diem is taxable and will be taxed via payroll.
Additional help can be found in the Job Aid
The IRS states that any meals reimbursed for single day travel are considered taxable because there are no overnight stays involved. There is not a business purpose to the Per Diem (for example - an individual would provide their own lunch normally if there were no overnights involved, so it’s a benefit to be reimbursed for same day per diems).
If you are unsure whether an expense meets the criteria for reimbursement and/or if it will be considered taxable by the IRS, you might find this Taxable Expenses document helpful.
Group Meals is more than one person at a meal that will be paid for with GVSU funds. Attendee names and affiliations (employee, student, or guest) are required for any group meal paid for by GVSU.
Note employee-only meals are against policy and need to be routed to your Appointing Officer/Dean for approval.
Refer to the Meal Expenses section of the Expense Type Guide.
- Itemize the alcohol so it is separated from the regular food expenses. Use Expense item 'Alcohol'. This is linked to spend category SC0019 Alcohol.
- Use a Designated Fund.
- VP approval or their authorized delegate is required.
Approval Questions
An Admin can be a delegated approver if your Appointing Officer approves it. However, as Admin, you cannot approve your own expense reports as that delegate. For example - if you are a delegate for your manager and you submit an expense report as you, your manager will need to log in directly and approve the request.
Faculty that are claiming reimbursement for Professional Development or primary approvers reviewing these reports may need to add an additional approver to the workflow if someone else needs to review the report.
Information Forthcoming
Expense card Questions
Yes – Most departments will continue to have Department cards for general use.
- Department Card Logs – If you have a Department Card, you should continue to have a Department log. The purpose of the log is to help keep track of the card - who has it, when and what was charged - and helps create the Business Purpose for expense purposes. The best practice for a Department Card is for a department to keep the log internally and put the user's name in the Business Purpose of the individual charge within the expense report. This will help for later tracking. If you do not want to do that, you will need to attach a copy of the log to the charge.
Use Expense Type Personal/Non-Reimbursable. This will send the charge to your budget, into SC0177 - Miscellaneous Expense. You then need to reimburse the University for the mistaken charge. A check or money order for the amount should be delivered to the Business and Finance Office at 2015 Zumberge Hall. Once the check is received, we will credit your FDM.
Reconcile all charges before your last day and follow the Expense card Policy for what to do with your Card.
All Expense cards assigned to you will be linked on your main Expense page. You can also look at the detail for each individual card by selecting the All Expenses drop down next to the Available Expenses header. You can then select which card you want to look at.
Department cards can only be assigned to a single profile. The transactions for this card will only appear under the profile to which the card is assigned. If the card is not assigned to you, you will need to provide the receipt and other necessary information to this individual.
Your Expense card expenses are automatically fed into your profile and will appear under your Available Expenses with the Expense card payment type. It can take up to a week for transactions to appear. If the payment type says Out of pocket, you have manually entered the expense details and you will not be able to change the payment type to Expense card. If you need to reconcile an Expense card expense, wait for the transaction to feed into your profile with the Expense card payment type.
GVSU has partnered with Corporate Travel Management (CTM) for all travel bookings. CTM charges a fee for bookings and this fee comes over as a separate expense in your profile. The expense type will default to airfare, but you are encouraged to charge this to the same FDM that will be used for the booking. If this fee is paid by a GVSU Expense card, expense details will be fed in with the transactions and a receipt is not required. If the fee is paid out of pocket, a receipt is required. See Travel Management Fee Schedule for a list of all fees.
Guest / Student Questions
Information Forthcoming. NOTE: Guest reports are not to be used for GVSU employees.
For students with occasional travel or expenses, a GVSU employee will need to book travel and/or prepare a guest report on behalf of the student.
Transportation Questions
All reservations that are delivered to campus go through Facilities Services. Please refer to the Driver Approval, Vehicle Use and Rental Procedures.
Payment Questions
Cash Advances will only be approved if the trip or item for purchase cannot be managed with an Expense card, Declining Balance Card or Personal Funds.